
@Lady_Euromutt @ArdainianRight @BowsacNoodle @RustyCrab I think the "germs are a hoax" theory is just controlled opposition made to discredit those skeptical about COVID and vaccines.

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@xianc78 @Lady_Euromutt @ArdainianRight @BowsacNoodle @RustyCrab Sadly, it existed long before Covid. It's a symptom of the "addicted to anything esoteric" mindset.
But yeah, it's almost certainly had the dial turned up to 11 to discredit people with concerns about the Covid response.
@xianc78 @Lady_Euromutt @ArdainianRight @BowsacNoodle @RustyCrab Same as the "vaccines have tracking microchips in them" thing, which was pretty obviously made to both discredit people who didn't want to get vaccinated and to distract from phones already being used to do exactly what they were claiming they needed microchipped vaccines to do.
@Alex @ArdainianRight @xianc78 @Lady_Euromutt @RustyCrab I'm a bit more open to the idea of something like SANT than I was before COVID, particularly because the scale (alleged) of deployment was so massive that it would be easy to slip even a few thousand test vials into the crates. Nobody is going to believe it, and the waters were so muddied that even normal skepticism about what was ostensibly a crisis vaccine were met with vitriol and deplatforming.
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