So crowder thinks he's worth $120,000,000 for 4 years of posting shitty controlled opposition videos for little ben shapiro's company, when he thought he was too good to be paid however many millions glenn beck's controlled opposition company was paying him

You know many people once thought there was value in these kike propagandists as jumping off points because of their own experiences but it should be clear now that they are all conmen and now they do nothing but damage to any type of conservative movement

You have them as the supposed hardline conservatives meanwhile the "right leaning libertarians" spend their time trying to convince you to sit on your fat ass and do nothing and vote harder and be vague about what you should do, at most politically canvas for maga candidates as though you can somehow outvote cheaters. As has happened in the past, during the civil war, and the turn of the 20th century, the vote counters would simply burn the votes they don't like. After all, if they're in charge then you aren't even allowed to do forensic analysis like people have done with the 2020 election and have provided evidence, it doesn't matter. These fags pretend that never happened, and you see them over a short period stop being committed to statements of fraud and start peddling shit about "the gop needs better messaging" as trump has done where he went from correctly claiming a rigged election to saying it isn't his fault candidates he endorsed lost, they just had weak messaging and the gop didn't back them
I honestly think state secession is the only nonviolent way forward. Maybe if that were to occur it would be like the civil war again where the union lost all the way up until they raped and pillaged innocent civilians including children, literally burning towns to the ground that now no longer exist because of that
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