TL;DR #FoxNewsLiveNow is the only good news channel left and I find that frustrating

Although it is kinda nice because it’s also free 😎



@realcaseyrollins You have it all wrong. You shouldn't trust anybody, especially mainstream media. You should always come to your own conclusion.

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I don’t trust them completely, but I do think that it’s good, or at least better than most channels.

Have you ever watched it?


I usually don’t watch em either, except I will listen to #NBCNewsRadio in the shower to check up on the #MSM narratives and I’ll watch #FoxNewsLiveNow if I wanna see something like riot/protest coverage ( hasn’t been live in a minute but they came back yesterday thank goodness)

But yeah independent content creators are generally better, although I need a good #TimPool replacement cuz his scandals revolving his girlfriend, lover and #AdamCrigler really rubbed me the wrong way

@realcaseyrollins I wouldn't call him a Tim Pool replacement but I watch a lot of James Corbett. He openly tells his audience not to fully trust him and to do their own research. He also talks about solutions to the problems we face.

@xianc78 @realcaseyrollins Sometimes the incredibly well sourced show notes are worth sifting through, even if you don’t watch the video reports themselves. I don’t know of any other independent researcher who even comes close to Corbett in his professionalism and consistency.

@wrongthink @realcaseyrollins I've gotten called out for sharing his articles/videos/podcasts because some people think he's controlled opposition, which I obviously can't prove, but even then he encourages everyone to do their own research. I've been sharing the links in the show notes instead lately.

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