Here I'm planning on writing DOS games for numerous reasons. Part of it is the aesthetic, part of it is the push against soydev behavior I'm seeing in the fedi/better tech circles. Namely, it's accepted that if you want to really learn how a computer works you should program on something simpler.

@PhenomX6 @terminalautism You should still release it on modern platforms via emulation. A lot of indie and homebrew games actually do that.

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I was going to use Dosbox-X to, that and I know the dev of it and he's dabbled in writing MS-DOS code and demos.
I have seen some videos here and there about programming in DOS. Must be pretty interesting since it's such a bare-bones OS compared to what came later. I actually set up DOSBox-X a while ago and played some PC-98 stuff on it. Incredible stuff, truly amazing how good it is. It is now my PC-98 emulator, and has also replaced original DOSBox. Apparently you can also run Windows on it, but I haven't tried that yet. The guy wants it to be kind of a universal emulator for old computers, right? Really ambitious but it already somehow looks very close to being that.
Namely old DOS computers. 86box is trying to be a universal x86 IBM compatible emulator, so it has the ps/2 and whatnot in it as well.
That's pretty good. Emulation is actually kinda better than running games natively, eliminates a lot of the concerns about a game possibly also being spyware. Also makes the game a lot more portable, it just immediately runs on most OSs and also most consoles.
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