If this fucking country unironically falls for a fucking alien hoax, i fucking give up on it

Extreme poverty, hunger, looting, burning, i dont care what happens to it if this shit happens, nothing of value would be lost

RT: https://poa.st/objects/59618b6c-ec58-4a20-a85b-8ba420c0bcf9

@ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich The idea of a fake alien invasion is nothing new. The Rockerfellers and the Vatican have been planning it for a while now.

My only concern is that the fake alien invasion is just going to give more fuel to the flat earthers.

@ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich The flat earthers would just say that the fake alien invasion is just to re-enforce the idea that "space is real". Flat earthers also claim that meteorites (like the one that happened in Russia years ago) are actually missiles that exist to serve the same purpose.

@xianc78 @sandwich My brother in christ, what do you mean "the idea that space is real"??

@ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich Flat earther's don't believe in space. They think that above the disk-shaped earth is a firmament dome.

@xianc78 @sandwich Strange... Also, how does this help them? Wouldn't it counter them if they think theres a dome but something just flies straight through?

@ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich No. The fact that it will be fake will give fuel to them. They will go "see the government is faking the existence of aliens. Space is totally fake".

@xianc78 @sandwich Tbh man this country is retarded but i dont think that in the next several decades we ever have to worry about a rising of actual flat earthers. The only ones we have now are a small group of retards boosted up to be the anti-conspiracy theory strawman for any time a person questions something

@ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich Yeah, I also believe the flat earth movement is an intentional psy-op to make conspiracy theorists look dumb.

I've already talked about it in-depth on my website.


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@xianc78 @ItsSkyDragonz @sandwich I’ve been wanting to chide those who use skeptical discussion to springboard unrelated conspiracies.

Things need to remain segmented because there’s no faster way to lose a normie audience (already rare as it is) than to begin tying in select hypotheses. I think it comes both from those who do so to discredit meaningful conspiracy findings and also from skeptical folks who perhaps sit on the lower end of the IQ bell curve.

For example, I would love to share more broadly Conspiracy Music Guru’s work but anyone who goes on to listen to all his works may come to assume that I also believe unsubstantiated things like ‘space is fake’ or ‘public figures are all transvestites’.

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