He’s clearly some guy who saw some coon tune addled Hyperborea edits on 4chan or Reddit and wanted to be an epic memester without any further followthrough aside from taking on the most surface level aesthetics and terminology. He still kneels to the Kosher Crew.

@Owl I dont know what you mean by kosher crew, but yeah I dont know what to make of the guy. I kind of hope hes a fed cause if not hes just a total embarrassment of a person

I mean he still does and instructs people based on what the Talmudvision says. This nigger is promoting Hyperborea AND the shot. “Do what the television says, fellow right-wing White dissidents!”

the television says "covid is over don't worry about getting a shot"
why are YOU doing what television says, covidiot?

@jeffcliff @Owl @DEERBLOOD Pfizer has been advertising all their boosters. And you still got those like Jimmy Fallon hyping up every COVID scariant along with being a Great Reset shill.

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