@ryo None. Think about it: are people who torrent movies/TV shows any better than those who use streaming services? I still see people who pirate shows wasting their precious time binge watching. That's something you didn't see before high-speed internet.

> are people who torrent movies/TV shows any better than those who use streaming services?


I don't like watching movies or TV shows as much neither, but I do like to watch anime, and I deleted TV at the beginning of the scamdemic, because I think funding the NHK (a blatant government propaganda rag) is pure evil, and with torrents I don't have to pay extortion I mean tax to them, and on top of that don't get spoon fed propaganda all the time.

When using normal TV you'll be provided unwanted propaganda in the form of commercials, "breaking news", programs that happen before and/or after what you want to watch, or some other bullshit.
Online streaming soyvices solved these problems, but then come with new bullshit like having to pay for each one of them with price raises every single year too, each having their own exclusives, and on top of that they're censored too.

@ryo Yeah, but you still have unlimited access to a library of content which can be addicting for some. That's why I can't stand binge-watchers whether they stream or torrent.

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