"Paypiggies where have you gone. PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGIES, Come on out here. Come on, come on, come on and donate Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Piggggggggggggggggies."
When did it become socially acceptable for streamers to have goal bars like that? You would have thought the first time one did it, they would have been laughed at and ridiculed by everyone on the platform or community.
I think it's more of a Twitch thing. I've seen it over there for years and years and years. It's now becoming more common everywhere else but yeah it is weird when you think about it. I think the psychology behind it is sort of like an impulse buy at the grocery store. Putting low value items at checkout encourages spending so maybe the dono bar does the same i.e. "Oh if I donate just 3 dollars my favorite streamer will hit his goal".
I know the twitch Ethots really "pioneered" it with goals for standing up or whatever stupid shit they would do. But once men began copying it, you would hope there would have been a big backlash. But I guess by that point moderation was so hard in place there was no room for criticism. It becoming the "norm" is what I find fascinating. Because it so clearly is a insult to the viewers intelligence.
The entire online ecosystem has changed. Transactional relationships are becoming the norm in almost every facet of interaction. It started with ad revenue, then integrated fan funding via platforms like patreon or project/crowdfunding via gofundme. Now it's starting to appear on social media with things like superfans or whatever it was that Twitter was doing and I'm fairly certain Facebook is doing it soon too. I wouldn't be surprised if microtransactions in gaming have trained people to find small amounts of spending on every aspect of a game to be normal and that has now been transferred over into basic interactions outside of games. I guess what I'm saying is this is all EA's fault lol.
@Jim @JoelBodin Nostr too, the entire community there is literally zap circlejerking and nothing else. No discussion ever goes on except from Alex's Nostr bridge.
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