>Talks about the benefits of self-hosting
>Hosts their code and design repositories on GitHub


Oh you thought that was bad? I also found out that their site is hosted on AWS. They might as well just sell their computers on Amazon.



Also, how the fuck do you even combine "securely store your data" and "AWS" in the same sentence!?
It's either "securely store your data", or "store your data on AWS", not both at the same time!

@ryo I don't know. What I want to know is why are they hosting it on AWS when they fucking sell servers.

I don't know how much it cost to actually maintain a server for a storefront like this, but honestly it doesn't seem surprising because they are slow to restock. I actually wanted to buy a laptop from them a couple years back because I think it would be better to use a computer that was actually built for Linux, but ALL of their laptops were out of stock, but that might have been due to a chip shortage from the scamdemic.

My guess is rather that the whole chip shortage thing was more related to the NFT hype that made people buy up graphics cards like a motherfucker, because:
1. We didn't have a chip shortage over here, at least not from what I could see in neither physical nor online stores.
2. There was a sudden abundance of chips as soon as NFTs were considered no longer popular.

As for maintaining a server for a storefront, it doesn't require much, you can host one on a low spec server pretty easily even.
If anything, AWS would be the more expensive option, due to their billing scheme (I haven't worked with it as much to know for sure, but I know I've been pointing and laughing a lot at people who fell for the AWS meme, only to then get impossibly high invoices to pay, and then they cope whenever I say "I told you so!").

@pawlicker @ryo Why do people like Ethereum so much? It sounds like the most scammy cryptocurrency. The person behind it even appeared at the World Government Summit last year and it's blockchain seems to be behind a lot of the digital ID programs being rolled out.

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