I'm super lazy and don't really need the money or else I would have already filed in small claims court. (I've done so before against other vendors and won). I have a suspicion others likely have and they probably only settle/refund if people go after them civilly.

@djsumdog @atyh @ryo @purism I think they are being boycotted to hell and back after the Librem phone fiasco. I have not heard a single positive thing about any of their products since then (people seem to rather stick with older laptops), and I have never seen anyone use their Email service. They are nowhere near as big as Microsoft, Apple, or Google, so it's a good chance that they will either go bankrupt or radically change their ways.

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I'm surprised they haven't gone bankrupt already

@djsumdog @atyh @ryo @purism My only guess is that Mozilla probably gave them funds. Mozilla will fund various companies and non-profits, including some shady ones. They even donated money to that Antifa-run RiseUp email service.

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