got that deep linux autism going on rn
@MercurialBlack but im speical I dont use arch as my main YET. I want to use moebuntu more :ro_sob:
I was special way back so my first linux was CentOS IT WAS SHIT but I was still too snowflaky to use Ubuntu so I used Debian and still do to this day
Makes me sad Yggdrasil is the name of a dead Linux distro I frickin love the word Yggdrasil
@MercurialBlack @Centaur Wasn't that like the first real distro
Called GNU/Linux/X11 or some shit

@usernameswift @Centaur @MercurialBlack

Yggdrasil was the first company to create a live CD Linux distribution.[1] Yggdrasil Linux described itself as a “Plug-and-Play” Linux distribution, automatically configuring itself for the hardware.

This alpha release contained the 0.98.1 version of the Linux kernel, the v11r5 version of the X Window System supporting up to 1024x768 with 256 colours, various GNU utilities such as their C/C++ compiler, the GNU Debugger, bison, flex, and make, TeX, groff, Ghostscript, the elvis and Emacs editors, and various other software.

wikipedia puts it at 92, which is older than slackware, so certified fucking old. seems like they couldn’t get their shit properly together any time before debian released a stable release in 96 though so it’s ded

@MercurialBlack @usernameswift @Centaur now?

A community effort in continuing the development of Yggdrasil has been started in early 2022, having an alpha release planned to be on late March or early April 2022.[12]

@menherahair @Centaur @MercurialBlack Damn it
> To do: make a working Linux system with basic utilities and the X Window System.

Yeah it'll be a minute lmao

@usernameswift @Centaur @MercurialBlack seems like it’s just one indonesian person deciding they should revive the oldest distro in existance but not using the code or anything at all since it’s too old so it’s basically just appropriating the name :apensive:

shitty thing to do. you don’t need a name to make it big in the linux underground. look to venom linux: the name sucks, the only way to get support for this thing is a middle eastern telegram channel and people still use it

@Jojothegoodperson @usernameswift @Centaur @menherahair @MercurialBlack XMPP, Jami sucks. maybe if it works for you but like it sucked when i tried it
@meso @Centaur @MercurialBlack @menherahair @usernameswift
But doesn't jami allow DHT and onion routing, I think that those are pretty dope encryption features.
@meso @Centaur @MercurialBlack @menherahair @usernameswift
How does XMPP support Tor? Because I'm using Onemo encryption to talk with my one friend. I'm confused by that.
@Jojothegoodperson @usernameswift @Centaur @menherahair @MercurialBlack huh. OMEMO is the end to end encryption, Tor is the anonymization. you need an XMPP server that supports Tor federation, or running as a hidden service or something I think. but I've seen people do it

@Jojothegoodperson @meso @usernameswift @Centaur @xianc78 @MercurialBlack eh, disroot’s generally fine. they have a tos and a clear ideological leaning but they’re not hunting down nazis or anything. at last they haven’t hunted me down yet for daring use eientei. the email at least works well enough I sent them 20 bux to keep going.


@menherahair @meso @usernameswift @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack The backgrounds on their website give me antifa vibes. The guy who runs it says that anyone can use it, regardless of ideology.

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@meso @xianc78 @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack @menherahair Disroot is very lib-left from what I can tell
Which is fine with me because that's essentially where I am, but I can see that there are people who may take issue with that
@usernameswift @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack @menherahair @xianc78 good, they shouldn't be using good services :blobtroll: disroot isn't really all that good though

@xianc78 @meso @usernameswift @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack antifa’s an orchiestrated terrible look for leftists, I know for a fact there’s pretty extreme guys who aren’t THIS retarded about it. but yeah disroot is leftoid tech, although I believe (belief guys) they have enough integrity to keep to their rules. which really aren’t that prohibitive, just don’t post nwords anywhere near your handle featuring

but really the xmpp is shit. I think the omemo doesn’t work and they blacklist some servers for no reason

@menherahair @meso @usernameswift @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack OMEMO works fine for me. There are like two people I have in contact with XMPP on there. I only use it because's XMPP doesn't even support OMEMO at all.

@xianc78 @meso @usernameswift @Centaur @Jojothegoodperson @MercurialBlack messaging from disroot doesn’t work at all. and I don’t remember what the issue with was - omemo I think! - but that’s the two of my go-to servers so unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. maybe I should bother them about it…

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