Anime fans, do NOT fall for their trick! Suicide is not a portal to the anime world! When you die you will be reincarnated as a dog, and your dreams of finding an Asian wife will be denied. Your yellow fever will remain insatiable, but you will find yourself drowning in a sea of white pussy.

>Suicide is not a portal to the anime world!

It's a portal to the Nickelodeon ghost world.

The one from Are You Afraid of the Dark ... where you get stuck in a pinball machine for eternity?

@djsumdog @galena Ooooohh. You don't know what I'm talking about and you are going to be shocked once you learn about it.

@xianc78 @djsumdog @xianc78 @galena TL;DW - A nutcase was the "Battleborn of spree killers" because he shot poorly and killed a few poor lads for a lame Nicktoon OC.

@berkberkman @djsumdog @galena I really feel like he was the real reason why Butch Hartman left Nickelodeon to start that failed family friendly streaming service along with a few Christian themed cartoons.

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@xianc78 @berkberkman @djsumdog why do you all always need to turn my humble bestiality threads into disgusting school shooter threads?
@xianc78 @djsumdog @berkberkman When I kill myself, I'm going to fuck many cartoon animals in the afterlife. God told me.
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