@sue Who cares? Lolberts are retarded and impotent. Just kill all the bad guys to protect the good guys.
@sue @ArdainianRight @sue Do you mean all libertarians, or just the fake milquetoast ones?
@KryptoBlok @sue If you're anything other than a hardcore Hoppe fanboy your opinion doesn't even come close to mattering.
@KryptoBlok @sue Honestly I'd probably call Hoppe more of a micronationalist than a libertarian so he's not saddled with the baggage of the term.
@sue @ArdainianRight @sue I'd say I'm a libertarian (of some kind...), but I agree there are many problems in the movement - entryism, infighting, purity spiraling, hippies, etc. I wouldn't mind using a new term without all that baggage.

@KryptoBlok @ArdainianRight @sue@liberdon.com Infighting is a problem with all ideologies. I don't know why people think it's unique to libertarianism.

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