@rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com You're retarded for still thinking that voting works. It's clear that you are unaware of the shadow government that controls all politicians, parties, and nations for at least the past two centuries. It's clear that YOU are still falling for the illusion that Trump, Putin, or Kanye would put a stop to it all. I'm telling you that they won't.

I came to my conclusion from extensive research on this subject. Stuff that I have been researching religiously since MIDDLE SCHOOL. I realized that the only solution was Voluntaryism. In fact, the plandemic only reassured my views and conclusion. There are no political solutions. If you did the same amount of research that I did, you would realize that too.

@rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com I literally just wrote that. I even wrote about this subject on my website. Also, did you even watch the Corbett Report video that I linked? But I guess you are too lazy to read articles, watch videos, and actually do research. You really on memes and social media posts for "research".


But fine. Have faith in (s)elections, scripted events, and your puppet politicians, while you are forced into a pod and are fed bugs while your property gets stolen.

It's your choice. We have less than 7 years left before the Great Reset, and it's up to US to stop it, not some politician or some fake war.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue Oh, well, that's concerning. :0350:

No, I don't read or watch what you post.

The last time you got me was when you tried to prove anarcho-capitalism was tenable by referencing two short-lived small nations from centuries ago. :doge_laugh:

To follow your lolbert links would be akin to reading what Vaush considers worthy source material.

PS: elections are for nigger cattle :noid_dab:

@rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com
>two short-lived small nations from centuries ago.

Ancap Ireland lasted for 1000 years (650-1650). Harappa (Bronze Age India) lasted for 1500 years (3000 BC - 1500 BC). Meanwhile, the US is less than 300 years old and is falling apart.

>To follow your lolbert links would be akin to reading what Vaush considers worthy source material.

So you are just going to ignore the other side and make strawman claims.

>PS: elections are for nigger cattle

Great, so you agree that voting is a scam. Now tell me your solution.

@xianc78 @Rasterman @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue Still from a long ass time ago. How'd those Irish ancaps fare against the British?

@ArdainianRight @rasterman @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com That's besides the point. If agorism was around back then, they could've traded in underground markets to the point the British wouldn't have control over them anymore. It could've even spread to Britain and their country would've collapsed as well.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue >It could've even spread to Britain and their country would've collapsed as well.

If you adopt lolbertarianism, your country will collapse.

:laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil: :laugh_evil:

@rasterman @ArdainianRight @TheMadPirate @blockbot @sue@liberdon.com
>If you adopt lolbertarianism, your country will collapse.

That's the point.

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