>Bro the Bible is just a jewish hoax bro it's anti-European bro Jesus was just a story the jews cooked up bro to make us all weaker you have to listen to me bro let me tell you about my just so justifications instead of just reading what the Bible says about jews bro you gotta listen to me

Get behind me, Satan.
I don't give a fuck if it's Thomas Dalton he's full of shit on this one

@CatLord The more I think about it, it's literally the same stupid arguments Adam Green had when he argued against @Godcast and he couldn't explain how it was a jewish conspiracy for nigh on 2000 years when Jesus himself calls the pharisaic rabbis spawns of Satan
@reloadedAK @CatLord The guy's a fucking retard. Being THAT historically illiterate should cast a shadow over everything this chode has ever said.
@Godcast @reloadedAK @CatLord chalk it up against 99.9/100 christian theologians and ministers being historically illiterate of fascism and national socialism, i guess lmao
@didymus @reloadedAK @CatLord National socialism and fascism were political reactions to communism, all three of which have functionally ceased to exist in any meaningful sense of the word. NS and fascism in particular. Why should a minister be expected to know the particulars of either when they've been dead for nearly eighty years? Why shouldn't we expect a PhD historian who writes about history to know extremely basic facts about the world's largest and Whitest religion?
@Godcast @didymus @reloadedAK @CatLord NS and Fascism aren’t dead. Just weakened. National Socialism has more political relevance than communism now
@branman65 @didymus @reloadedAK @CatLord But should we expect a Christian minister to be conversant with the parts in Mein Kampf about the minutiae of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? If so, why?
@Godcast @didymus @reloadedAK @CatLord No. But they shouldn’t have anything to say about NS until they do. Also your lolbert is showing

@branman65 @CatLord @didymus @Godcast @reloadedAK Hitler was a controlled agent and WWII was a planned scheme to create the UN.

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