@xianc78 @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan Space Travel is a Jewish Hoax
along with ((( GRAVITY ))) , ((( EQUALITY ))) and ((( STRING THEORY)))

@charliebrownau @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan If the Earth is flat, you should be able to listen to any FM station anywhere in the world. FM signals go in a straight line, and no matter how powerful the signal is, you can only broadcast at a ~50 mile radius. The only logical explanation is that the Earth's curvature causes the signals to go off into space. I have yet to hear any flat-earther's explanation for this.

@charliebrownau @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan Also, how is lying about the shape of the Earth supposed to benefit the Jews in particular?

@xianc78 @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan * Control
* Power
* Limiting Knowledge
* Erasing the White Empire that was pre 1750
* Preventing whites knowing how much better off the world was under White Empire Rulership

1750-2050 - NEW WORLD ORDER (Jewish dictatorship)
a previous OLD WORLD ORDER existed (White Empire)

If your actually willing to research (so many arnt)

On Odysee go check out
- Old World
- Mudflood Reset
- 1805 Bible
- Icewall
- 13 Month Calendar

This livestream is good
even thou Flat earth Dave , lays out loads of info
UNN guy outright refuses to be de programmed

(warning Flat earth dave is Jewish)

@charliebrownau @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan I've watched the video and kept an open mind, but I have some rebuttals.

1. The Antarctic Treat does not prevent civilians from stepping foot in Antarctica. It prevents governments, corporations, organizations, and private citizens form using it for things like building military bases, mining, dumping waste, etc. The treaty is publicly viewable online. Nowhere does it mention that you are not allowed to step foot without a permit. There are some places that are off-limits without a permit, but most of it is visit-able by anyone. There are plenty of private cruises that can take you to Antarctica and private expeditions happen there all the time. And no, the Antarctica Peninsula isn't the only place you can visit.


2. He does the whole high-zoom camera trick. When it comes to planets, he's not doing it properly. You need to turn off autofocus and set the correct exposure, planets should look like planets. You can also just view planets using a regular telescope and binoculars, and you can clearly see that stars and planets are not the same thing. I used to look at Saturn through binoculars all the time as a kid. It has always looked like Saturn. I could even see the rings.


3. Salinity in the water cannot be the reason why tides only happen in oceans. There are bodies of water with a higher salinity than the ocean's average like the Dead Sea, Red Sea, the Great Salt Lake, and no tides ever occur there or do occur but are much smaller than the ocean tides (small tides still occur in fresh water lakes too). The only explanation is that lakes are smaller than oceans and are not interconnected, so water cannot flow from one side to another.

4. Buoyancy cannot be the reason why things fall to the ground. You can drop objects in a vacuum chamber (there are small ones available for home use). Objects still fall even though there is no medium surrounding them. What causes them to fall? It must be a force.

invidious.poast.org/watch?v=WC (feel free to ignore the Moon landing clip in the intro and the Earth/Moon simulation at the end)

5. The existence of static electricity does not disprove the existence of gravity. It's possible for both forces to co-exist. You might as well say the magnetic forces also don't exist and they are just static electricity. In both
cases of static charges causing objects to float or fall faster, it can be said that the forces of static electricity are stronger than the force of gravity.

6. As for the MIT "Silent Drone", yes it is done through static electricity, but it's a method known as "ionic winds" which is just using static electric charges to create airflow. In other words, it's using static electricity to blow air, just like a fan.


Now, just because I don't think the Earth is flat doesn't mean that I 100% believe what NASA, ESA, SpaceX, etc are saying. I'm pretty sure that they hide and lie about a lot of things. I don't think the moon landings happened for one, but just from these observations alone, I'm pretty confident that the Earth is round.

@xianc78 @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan At least you watched a single video
thats more then 99% of the programmed sheeple

One video isnt enough to de program most sheeple thou

Definally check out

Mudflood Reset (1750)
Old World Empire
Tartaria Empire
Free Atmosphere Energy
Old World Maps
1805 Bible (Which states 2023 is actually 5998)
America is 3000 years old
20 Emergency Landings
Curve Calculator

EVERYONE on this realm was brainwashed on purpose
only a few choose to be fully de programmed from the ((( system)))

@charliebrownau @OldM8 @TylerAbeoJordan

I literally already debunked Antarctica being an icewall. Civilians go to Antarctica all the time, and not just the Antarctic peninsula. You can visit Queen Maud Land by taking a flight from Capetown, South Africa or you can
take a boat from New Zealand to off the coast of the Ross Sea.


>Mudflood Reset (1750)
>Old World Empire
>Tartaria Empire

These are theories about ancient civilizations that were scrubbed from history. I'm not saying that they're false, but none of them prove the flat earth. All of these can exist on a round earth.

>Free Atmosphere Energy

I could only find one video on this subject. Again, it says nothing about the shape of the Earth.


>Old World Maps

Sure ancient maps may included places that aren't on present maps. Could there be some mythical location that no longer exists or still exists but is kept hidden? Maybe. As for the shape of the Earth, anyone can draw a map without knowing the shape of the Earth. The shape is completely irrelevant. There are many different ways to draw a map. They don't have to represent the shape of the Earth to be accurate.

>1805 Bible (Which states 2023 is actually 5998)
>America is 3000 years old

I literally can't find anything about these topics. I've checked through Odysee, Invidious, Mojeek, and SearX. If you can provide actual links, that would be great.

>20 Emergency Landings

Yeah, I've seen this before. Emergency landings may look straight on the flat earth map while not making sense on the cartesian map, but when drawing the routes on an actual globe, they're straight.

>Curve Calculator

It does the inaccurate "8 inches per mile squared" measurement which is only an average. You also need to take into account the height of the observer, atmospheric refraction, and where you are in the world because naturally, the curvature would be less in upper and lower latitudes than it is when you are closer to the equator.

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