
@ArdainianRight Japan has multiple native ethnic groups: Ainu, Ōbeikei, Yamato, and Ryukyuans. Each one of them can theoretically call themselves a "nation". Culture is nothing more than a lifestyle, and I don't know why language is something to be proud of.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight We should repeal the First Amendment for the sole purpose of rescinding your rights alone

@shedinja @ArdainianRight That piece of paper that you call the constitution doesn't give me any rights that I don't already have. Rights only exist within a negative context.

@shedinja @xianc78 @ArdainianRight you know this nigga is faking the funk because he got the Ō in Ōbeikei
literally just copy-pasted from Wikipedia, doesn't actually know shit about shit
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @shedinja asians don't exist dummy it's a social construct
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight Now me myself, I done said some stupid shit on the internet. But you -- bro you gotta go.
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