Louis Rossmann striked again:

Whether the tyrant is a greedy, sociopathic asshole or just an incompetent bureaucracy, it doesn’t matter. Whether the tyrant is looking for racism that doesn’t exist in the moment, or is accusing you of being a groomer because of your sexual orientation/gender identity, is not the issue. We should all be alert to tyrannical corporate control encroaching on our freedom & our lives so we avoid the pitfalls of it.

Right to repair ties into it. Everything being a subscription ties into it. Your home communicating with Amazon’s servers ties into it.


What is the big picture? As long as we continue to bicker & fight amongst ourselves, the subscriptions will continue, devices will become less repairable, and someone else far far away will have more control over what you own.

We can choose to notice and stop tolerating it, piece by piece, until companies respect our freedom and sovereignty again. OR, we can bicker amongst ourselves to score points as we dive head first into the abyss of having no control over our devices, vehicles, homes, and our lives.

The decision is ours. I hope you join me in making the right one.


@cnx Smart home devices are useless gimmicks. There is no reason to own them even if they do respect your freedom.

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