Yeah. I think the whole OceanGate thing was fake. Those people faked their deaths to create a distraction.

also a gun store got raided by the IRS and they took firearm purchase records.
as for distractions they don't even need to be intentional either.

June 17th 1994 had Game 5 of the NBA finals, the sportsball event that everyone was fucking tuned into (if they weren't into the World Cup or seeing Arnold Palmer at the US Open), literally interrupted by the latest media circus: OH MY GOD SPORTSBALL PLAYER CAR CHASE.
That's the thing people should be terrified about. Federal regulations have prevented any type of digital registration for guns and Biden has been violating that a ton and faced no consequences
Lmao you don’t think feds know about all of the guns you buy?

@bot @djsumdog @PurpCat You don't have to buy guns these days. Even then, it's not like black markets don't exist.

How? Gun registration is never sent to a federal agency. A gun shop keeps the records. If a police dept needs to run a number, it goes to a tracing agency and they contact the gun shop. Gun shops that go out of business have to send in their files .. and if they have Excel sheets, those sheets have to be printed out and stored in a non-digital means. This documentary goes into it:

Most gun stores don't keep electronic records for this very reason. Biden has been caught openly circumventing these laws, and will use those IRS agents to go even further.
@djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat @bot i don't know about any of this but gun control is dead after 3d printing. The genie is out of the bottle, anyone anywhere can make a lethal firearm in their garage.
Hmm I wonder why real guns aren’t made of plastic.
Like what, do you need a picture, wanna see my hecking printerinos?
Fine, whenever I get home.

I'm locked in peaches' basement.

This is a cry for help.
> ended up getting strapped down instead

story of my night tbh
Did the ayylmaos get you?
You know probing is for faggots, right?
@pyrate @djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat @demitasse @bot Lol. I was just being a smart-ass. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
At some point I will maybe go into more detail on 3D printed gunfu. I see this as a necessary skill to completely render gun grabbers as irrelevant and stupid.

Kind of like media piracy.
@bot @djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat i have owned multiple guns with plastic composite handles and magazines, the upper part with the barrel and slide was metal but 75% of multiple pistols i have owned were made of plastic
@bot @djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat yeah but even with 3d printed guns they have metal parts the metal is all just shit they sell st the hardware store
I have never owned a plastic firearm and I’m not enough of a gun nerd to know if that’s true. I imagine the barrel would break if you used it for long.
there are a number of twitter accts for printing guns. i've seen a few use plastic barrels. The most it lasted was like 70 9mm rounds i think.
@demitasse @djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat @bot

3D printed molds, small scale metal casting and small scale machining (possibly CNC) and proper designs and you have full metal firearms.
How do you think background checks work?
Have you .. ever actually bought a gun?

The name of the gun doesn't go with the background check. You can put the background check in and not buy the gun.

It also seems like the NICS is mandated to destroy records after 90 days:

..that might be the one gap where federal agencies can store information illegally, but they only know you've made an inquiry, not a purchase.

Also you can just buy all your firearms person-to-person and you don't need and NICS check.
The name of the gun doesn’t have to go with the background check, it’s called simple deduction. You can cope about this all you want but you’re wrong.

How am I wrong? If the FEDs are collecting your information, it’s at the NCIS phase, they don’t know if you actually bought a gun, and the law states they’re suppose to only have a 90 day retention. Judging by The Tracers documentary, it seems like the gun lobby and the NRA and pretty good at making these things actually stick.

The fact that it is so difficult to identify individual gun ownership is the reason Biden is doing all this shit with the IRS to make an illegal database.

and on top of that, it’s perfectly legal to buy a gun from a buddy, without a background check and no record of sale.

I’ve identified once place where some information could be collected and shown your two ways (person-to-person and CNC milling machines) to avoid it.

Ok, so if you’re not allowed to have guns, they’ll go to the store, get your information, and then it’s over.

If you’re a good little soycuck citizen they don’t care since you won’t do anything with it anyway. It’s a win win.
They would literally have to raid every individual store, or change the laws so they could have a national gun registry and just do it out in the open. That's what people are opposing. That's what people can, and are currently, fighting against.
Delusional, you don’t seem to know how this works at all. Who do you think issues the licences to sell firearms?
@bot @djsumdog @xianc78 @PurpCat for all the insults you've yet to explain how you think law enforcement is supposed to link your background check to the purchase of a particular firearm, or even determine if you ended up purchasing a firearm in the end at all. or perhaps multiple firearms in the same purchase?

if they subpoena a gun store they only get back the information about a particular individual. that seems reasonable enough to me. they can't build a massive database that has *all* the records without everyone knowing that they're doing it (and legally challenging it)
Bot got her knowledge of the feds and how they can track guns from watching NCIS. Please be patient with her.
You people are so stupid and naive that it’s unreal. the nsa had taps on at&t fiber collecting all through traffic for years without anyone in the public knowing, a shitload of surveillance goes on for years and years without it being publicly known or confirmed. But ya not majorly invested in this and dont really care.

N.. no!! The feds are the good guys!!! They never spy on ppl, they only do good things!!! Like helping israel and ukraine!!!!
@bot @djsumdog @xianc78 they know you did a background check for a gun but not what gun or how many you own at the moment.
@xianc78 easier to assume it actually happened and the system just used it as a clever distraction, any insignificant occurence can be spun into a tragedy

@Alex You'd be surprised to see how many deaths are actually fake. Miles Mathis has been covering them for years.

@xianc78 It happened, but the navy knew all along that shit imploded and the whole "search and rescue running out of oxygen" was indeed bullshit designed as a distraction.
@xianc78 How fucking retarded are you? Did you not read anything here? The sub implosion happened, the navy knew it happened but fed everyone bullshit about "running out of oxygen." There's no need to invent anything beyond that for your distraction.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 Don't have to pay taxes if you are "dead". Sub was probably empty.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 Well one more time anyway, but that is better than yearly.

@CZB @ArdainianRight That's what I'm thinking, but I don't want to get into a heated argument about this.

Unless we've been there ourselves, we don't know for sure.

@xianc78 @CZB @ArdainianRight how about its undecidable, did you see what happend sir? i didn't think so
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