every single day feels like it's just killing time until i get tired enough to fall asleep. everyone around me acts like this is a normal way to live - like this is what life's meant to be, like there's nothing better in life than idly killing time and waiting for the day to end. is this really how most people live? is this really what people think is all life should be? this kind of life is incompatible with a human soul. i don't understand how anyone can survive like this.
@galena Something, something, Industrial Revolution...
I've been feeling much the same lately, like every day is just going through the motions. It's almost like creating an environment where you can watch, hear, read, or learn virtually anything you want practically instantly from a small brick you carry around everywhere has a contradictorily negative net effect on how humans value themselves and their time.
@Indigo I just wish I could still do the things I actually enjoy in life. Been stuck in an awful limbo where I can't do any of the things I enjoy, because I'm stuck living with someone who hates all of them.

@galena @Indigo I hate how living with someone else means that you have to change your lifestyle to accommodate their sanity.

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@xianc78 @Indigo Yeah. Its fucking awful. He's quite happy with this miserable, worthless lifestyle so he sees 0 reason whatsoever to actually change anything. When I moved in with him he promised me we'd only be living here for 2, maybe 3 months at most, before we move somewhere else - where we're not living with these fucking junkies. 8 months later I've realized he's just a fucking worthless junkie too and there's no fucking escape from this hell, and he's not ever going to want to leave. Even if we leave, this isn't just their lifestyle, it's his lifestyle, and it's never going to change.
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