@TylerAbeoJordan What are the national IQs of the countries still above replacement rate looking like?


I don't know, but many of them are in Africa. I hear they're really pounding them out in Nigeria.

IMO, this is all about economics. People have little wealth as central banks have destroyed the ability to save - the core of capitalism, so most places around the globe are in recession or depression even though it's denied by their respective bankster controlled governments.

@TylerAbeoJordan White people in first world countries still have way more resources now than when they had many more kids in the past. Obviously in a period of decline such as this the economics don't help matters, but there's a lot more to it than that.

@ArdainianRight @TylerAbeoJordan Anti-natalist movement, the LGBTQ+ agenda, feminism, the male infertility crisis that nobody talks about, fluoride in water, chemtrails.

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@xianc78 @TylerAbeoJordan Urbanization is the big one, but no one seems to have a good answer for it. Cities cut us off from nature and small organic communities, our primary connections to the divine, if you will.
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