@PurpCat I'd say that the Wonderswan is the Sega Saturn on steroids. It was only released in Japan and every non-text-heavy game is expensive.

The Casio loopy is Saturn on HRT. The entire console only had games marketed at what they thought young girls in japan liked and wouldn't function without proprietary printer cart made by casio.
@LodedDiaper @xianc78 there's a discord server I'm in with people "ironically" into it 💀

@PurpCat @LodedDiaper Any cool homebrew? You could have actual games for it and have the sticker printing just be a bonus feature.

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Honestly yeah i think it would cool in some ways. I could a game where prints the maps of each area and you need to actively update it with pen you as play. I just never got the point of "Girl's games", at least in that I've never seen a case someone refused to play a game because i was for "boys".

@LodedDiaper @PurpCat I've seen similar products being made back in the 2000s though I can't remember any specifics. I remember Jaks Pacific who made a bunch of plug-n-play consoles also making plug-n-play toys like this one which was basically an electronic magnifying glass that you can plug into your TV, but that wasn't made for girls in particular. But I could've sworn that there were products like this. Maybe they plugged into a PC rather than a TV. This just looks like an early precursor to them all.

I remember an old leap frog i got a flea market as a kid, but i lost it and forget the name.

@LodedDiaper @PurpCat LeapFrog devices apparently have an active homebrew scene. Apparently, they all run off of Flash (presumably a lightweight version).

@LodedDiaper @PurpCat Of course the blog just dies before the documentation is released and it was almost a decade ago.

Unfortunately, this thing doesn't have the dedicated cult following like the Pokemon Mini or even the Casio Loopy. I only saw this console on the footnotes of the Wikipedia article on the 7th generation of video game consoles. That's the only reason why I know of it's existence.

Though the system appears to be on par with the PS1. It could be a homebrew developer's dream. I could see ports of PS1 decomps and old PC games on this thing.

I've also been consisting building an "scopetrex" and connecting the board it to an oscilloscope to play vertex games. ( https://github.com/schlae/scopetrex )
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