Hello! Because of all the recent stupidity on #twitter and #reddit, I'm trying out some new social media sites. Here's my #introduction:

I'm a #webdev and #gamedev in the United States who enjoys #videogames, #boardgames, #dnd, #music, #cooking, #mycology, #reading #fantasy novels, making #coffee, and #drawing. I'm always looking for new interests and hobbies.

I'm working on writing a #ttrpg in my spare time, and may start on a #godot project in the near future.

@Penrose3 Be a real man and write your own engine using SDL or SFML like what I did.

@xianc78 @Penrose3 Real men don't need to create engines. They already have everything they will ever need.

@DaVibri @Penrose3
>FPS Creator

I think I saw that before, over a decade ago, and never heard from it since. It was only a kid at the time, and that thing was paid, and my parents refused to pay for anything over the Internet. I was stuck messing around with the Lite version of GameMaker (before GameMaker: Studio was a thing).

@xianc78 @Penrose3 FPS Creator had a free version, with the limitation being that you had a splash screen before your game and couldn't make a main menu.

These days the official devs give you an universal key to bypass the activation if i remember correctly. some people are still using it for their own projects.

@DaVibri @Penrose3
>couldn't make a main menu.

And I thought GameMaker Lite was bad (I think they didn't even let you have rotating sprites).

>These days the official devs give you an universal key to bypass the activation if i remember correctly.

That's nice of them, but I'd rather have them open-source it. There are much superior free (both in freedom and price) options out there now. The only reason people still use things like this is for nostalgia.

Retribution Engine seems like an open source alternative, but it seems like they haven't updated it in years (you could probably tell as they are still on SourceForge), and it's still Windows only for whatever reason.


Really if you want to make a FPS and target older platforms, just look into old-school FPS engines. iD Tech 1-4, Build, Doom are all open-source and/or have open-source replacements that are compatible with it.

@xianc78 @Penrose3 The Serious Engine is also open source and iirc free of use. (Engine used for Serious Sam The First Encounter and Serious Sam The Second Encounter.)

I was memeing i don't actually use FPSCreator. but i used to when i was 13/14 and have some good memories of me sucking very much at using it lol.
At some point i'm gonna find some engine i can use that would be as compatible as possible and maybe make a shmup or smth. i'm not much of a game creator, i like hacking them more.
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