@idea_enjoyer I think most of this is the internet's infinite support group problem. Everyone can surround themselves with what seems like a massive amount of people who will encourage them in this cultist support group of good vibes and positive affirmation.

Then you have a culture which doesn't want to be seen talking back to or down to women and whatever inane shit comes out of them is unarguable because, well, if you do you hate women. So you're selling women liberation from the pressure of femininity and their own preconceived mental ideal of femininity (which is based on weird, outmoded 1950s caricatures or high school pretty girl drama). And that liberation feels freeing. Scary at first. Bad haircuts and flannel. Then that seems to work with enough friendly backpatting on Discord and in Telegram and WhatsApp groups. So on it goes. Most stay casual, but some get themselves worked into a frenzy and the cult celebrity goaders convince them this is what they always wanted. True happiness is just a tit chop away. You'll be free of all that pressure and a poster-them for the cause to boot!

No risk to your social standing either, which women are genetically incentivized to avoid at all costs. In fact, it makes you bulletproof! Win-win-win! But five or ten years from now, when the support group is gone and the fiery fervor for sticking it society has dulled, she'll probably kill herself. It's a real tragedy, like you said.
@gozfarb I absolutely hate it. Liberated and independent women were a mistake.

These groomers are worse than con men, far worse.

And the feminists, both men and women, that enabled this need to have their mouths closed on political issues for good
@idea_enjoyer It's amazing how easy it is to get groomed too. Especially for the tranny shit. That's why they sell inclusivity so hard.

You seriously go into one of these Discords, lurk for a while, start talking a bit, then do a casual mini-trauma dump in whatever channel they have for that. You WILL get messaged by a mod. It will be super kind and supportive. They'll start selling you the brand. Often they'll have hidden channels for "eggs" (trannies who don't know it or aren't convinced yet) where you will get celebrated and group praised for your egg status and then it's just in-group praise and coaxing and TONS of media to help keep the conversation around those topics.

There have got to be some sociologists looking into this stuff, but they'll never be allowed to publish because WPATH (THE tranny activist org that also owns the foremost Tranny science journal) not only decided what gets put in THAT journal, they set the standards of care to the WHO and for shit like the DSM. It's truly fucked right now. I feel awful for those kids. Suicide rate in a few decades is going to be bananas, I'd bet.

@ArdainianRight @gozfarb @idea_enjoyer
>trans people in denial

Do they really believe that some of us are actually trans and that we are denying it?

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @gozfarb Typical Jewish psychobabble designed to "tear down biases", i.e. destroy your moral immune system
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @idea_enjoyer Yep. Basically anything that diverges even slightly from their stereotypical conception of gender norms (basically hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity) is on the tranny spectrum in the modern academic lexicon around this stuff. And if you're a teen struggling with your identity due to the nightmare of public school social hierarchies, you're free real estate.

They call them eggs. Most of them are teens. They are largely vulnerable people who are disenfranchised or otherwise frustrated with the sexual marketplace struggles they face in real life. Most of them receive no sexual affirmation or attention (made worse by media expectations) and they essentially end up walking into a form of conversion therapy.
@gozfarb @ArdainianRight @xianc78 @idea_enjoyer
I want to preface this by saying that Leafyishere is an absolute retard who no-one should take seriously.
That being said, on a recent stream, he said that troons convince other people to troon out because (on some deep psychological level) they regret their own decision and convince others to troon out as a way of coping.

I think the grooming has been established as an inherit aspect of transexual behavior, something drives troons to convince others to troon out. That being said, I'm curious what the fedi thinks the troons' motivations are for doing this.
@ThighHighSock @gozfarb @ArdainianRight @xianc78 Fags reproduce by molesting children.

Troons are fags.

Troons reproduce by molesting children, including trooning them or convincing them to troons themselves.

Some of this is conscious, some of it is subconscious, but either way, they have a compulsion to groom and molest.
@xianc78 @gozfarb @idea_enjoyer
They have to believe everyone else is secretly trans and miserable, and they're the ones who are honest with themselves and free and happy, because otherwise they have to admit they're disgusting freaks who are all alone because they cut off loving family members who were concerned about their well-being.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 @gozfarb @idea_enjoyer Yes because absolutely no one is normal, everyone is actually a closeted deviant
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 @idea_enjoyer And that weird lack of self-awareness where their daily routines involve hours long group cry/seethe sessions where they all call each other pretty and tell them how great they are. The very picture of a well-adjusted adult person.
@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @gozfarb @idea_enjoyer This shouldn't be a surprise. The gays have been pulling the "Anyone who's opposed to homosexuality is secretly gay themselves" bullshit for years.
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