Can we have one right-wing figure who cares more about working class white people in America than they do Israelis? Just one?
@hachi Leftists haven;t pretended to give a flying fuck about the working class in the past 20 years, get with the times.
@ArdainianRight The working class isn't enough. Some people aren't able to work. Are you against welfare?
@hachi Most people who don't work could if they really wanted or had to.
@hachi Either way providing for those who legitimately can't work is all well and good, but they sure as hell aren't as important as the people who actually do useful things for a living.

@ArdainianRight @hachi If you are too disabled to work, you shouldn't be living alone. I shouldn't have to have my hard earned money stolen and given to disabled strangers.

@xianc78 @hachi
But what about trannies who are too retarded to work but also hate their parents for not supporting their insane bullshit? Do they not have the right to all the free estrogen they want?
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 @hachi

I was just about to post about "disability" having such a broad spectrum of classifications and handouts that somebody can use a labyrinth of legalese to get on the government cheese

@unlight @ArdainianRight @hachi I'm missing one finger. Government, please give me free money!

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@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @hachi There are people who got their legs blown off by IEDs who are still more productive as cripples than most troons

They have no excuse: socialism is the pseudointellectual's gambit, for he has no other marketable skills besides bitching about what somebody else has
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