Is the man with the Simon Bolivar whiskers Argentina’s next leader? “Far-right Milei comes out ahead in Argentina presidential primary”.
Libertarian Javier Milei may not win in October, but both other candidates making the second round, Federal Peronist Sergio Massa and conservative liberal Patricia Bullrich, hail from Right of center.
In the Anglosphere it has been below the fold news, but Argentina has become a Venezuela-style economic wreck, with triple-digit inflation and 40% below the poverty level, so it is no wonder the leftist Peronist tendency got completely wiped out. Whoever wins will be a marked improvement over Alberto Fernandez.
The hype fixates on Austrian school devotee Milei, but he seems like a mixed bag. Says one article above,
“Among other things, Milei has said that he wants to abolish the Central Bank, ban abortion, liberalize the sale of arms and open up a market for the sale of human organs.”
Normally abolishing the central bank would be great, but he doesn’t mean to issue Argentine “United States Notes”, he wants to abolish the peso and just use the dollar, not a sovereigntist plank. A promise to codify protections for preborn life are good, but politicians are usually unwilling or unable to act on it in the face of “rights”. On the other hand he could probably succeed in expanding firearm ownership, then sit back as the murder rate drops as the bodies of crooks pile up, as in Bolsonaro’s Brazil.
Given our wariness of libertarianism, best for voters to consider all three candidates carefully. After this cursory glance I might incline to Massa, as the legacy of Juan Peron badly needs to be rescued from the European-style socialists who have made it theirs for so long. #Argentina #ArgentineElection2023 #ArgentineElection #JavierMilei #Milei #SergioMassa #Massa #PatriciaBullrich #Bullrich #AlbertoFernandez #Peronism #libertarianism #libertarian #SouthernCone #SouthAmerica #news
@CharlesSynyard >Austrian
That's why journalists couldn't tell the truth if their miserable lives depended on it. Milei is a (((Chicago school))) libertarian; not Austrian. Constantly quotes Rothbard as his idol and could not disavow the purchase and selling of children when asked in an interview, to the horror of the interviewer. :doge_laugh:

@rasterman @CharlesSynyard Being sold to a private militia is better than being brainwashed at a statist gulag (aka public school).

@rasterman @CharlesSynyard In all seriousness, not all libertarians, including ancaps believe in child selling. I believe in self-ownership at birth. But still, I rather work in a coal mine than go to fucking school.

@xianc78 @CharlesSynyard >I rather work in a coal mine than go to fucking school.
The memes make themselves.

You might enjoy the libertarian Argentine candidate if you look up "Milei" on Twitter this morning:
Though don't get too excited, as he said he's anarcho-capitalist in philosophy, but minarchist in practise, making him less retarded than your pretend-persona. :pepe_kkk:

@rasterman @CharlesSynyard I don't care about him. It doesn't matter because ALL (s)elections are fake and scripted and ALL politicians are puppets of the shadow government. Stop believing that the slave suggestion box will save you. It won't. If you want a real solution, just watch this video.

@xianc78 @Rasterman Yeah no. We know elections are rigged to a degree but not absolutely. If it bothers you vote softer.
No one is fooled. The redpilled know the NWO will only end either when elected governments become autocracies like Venezuela or Belarus, or there is a coup to install a junta as in Niger.
@CharlesSynyard @xianc78 Just in case: don't bother arguing with Xianc. He's not a real person. That's a troll running various accounts for shits and giggles. There, he pretends to be a lolbertarian detached from reality. On DRC, he pretends to be a Croatian trans bee. On Poast, he's a multiple personality liberal and posts as different personalities on each conversation. And he once made an account to fedpost on DRC, possibly in hopes of getting our instance shut down, but our admin heroically stopped him before the FBI could get involved. He's a funny fella like that. :0380:

PS: I dream of a local Lukashenko. :loli_pray:

@rasterman @CharlesSynyard Stop that bullshit right NOW! I am a real person. I just recently published a game that I written in C++. Do you think I troll would have time to do that?

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