@ArdainianRight Thinking optimistically for a moment:
- There's no confirmation that Barb is *necessarily* still in the house, there's that one photo of her at the window but that was months ago, there's a possibility she could have been moved to a senior care home/with family/etc. at this point.
- Just because Chris was there doesn't necessarily mean he's staying there, he could have been there to pick up some stuff to take back to his new place, possibly the group home he's theoretically at.
- I know there's other photos of him in Ruckersville, but just because he's in town doesn't mean he's staying.
We gotta wait for more info before freaking out, but the fact that he was let within 100 miles of the place would prove the Virginia justice system is a joke (I say "would," because I figure that's a given at this point).
@Indigo Good thing he only raped his mother and didn't accidentally hit a fat chick with his car while being chased by Antifa, which gets you 400 gorillion years in Virginia.
@hachi @ArdainianRight If Chris Chan was a Transwoman, I would.
Chris Chan is not a Transwoman though. He's a mentally ill pervert who pretends to be Trans because he sees it a way to have access to lesbians; he has openly admitted this, both explicitly and implicitly; and I consider it offensive to the struggles of actual Trans people to compare them to someone like Chris.
@Indigo @hachi Most MtFs are like that though. Autogynephilia is a fetish, which is why trannies tend to be perverts and sex offenders. Chris Chan is in fact very representative of the trans community.
@ArdainianRight @hachi I've known enough Transwomen IRL to be fairly comfortable in my opinion that Chris Chan is nothing like them, I don't discount there are some like that, I think the problem of "Transtrenders," is real and there may indeed be some grooming going on; but I'm still of the mind it's the exception, not the rule. But I've been around trans people for a long time, and have a trans sibling so I acknowledge my biases.
That being said, I'm realistic in that I don't expect to change your mind, nor preach to you. You've come to your conclusions and I've come to mine, I'm good to leave it at that.
(I also don't want to make it sound like I'm on the same side as the Bee person, because on most issues I'm not).
@Indigo @hachi
Every tranny I've ever encountered is miserable to be around, both on and offline. My experience is that once you scratch the surface and actually push back on their retarded fantasy they just cut you off. I have no more patience for that BS.
@ArdainianRight @hachi Fair enough, I don't know your experiences, and I'm not trans, so it's not my battle to fight. :shrug_kon:
@Indigo @hachi
Shilling for child trooning is something I have no stomach for, and that's something that's very near and dear to these freaks.

@ArdainianRight @hachi @Indigo The only one I ever knew that was against it was Blaire White.

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@xianc78 @hachi @Indigo
Maybe Caitlin Jenner. But those types' whole schtick is telling conservatives what they want to hear so they can get accepted as one of the "good ones." My experience is they crave their own validation above everything else. Most trannies see child trooning as a way to validate their choices and identity, I assume the "conservative" ones are willing to sacrifice that kind of broader validation in order to get their own personal smaller validation.

@ArdainianRight @hachi @Indigo
>But those types' whole schtick is telling conservatives what they want to hear so they can get accepted as one of the "good ones."

Honestly I see that being a trend with minority conservatives in general, especially back when the "alt-right" kept on bringing up how most non-whites vote Democrat and you had these black and Hispanic conservatives constantly saying "we're the exception".

>My experience is they crave their own validation above everything else.

People with general body dismorphia are like that.

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