The right freaking out about sexuality, porn, kinks, alt lifestyles, or whatever is as obnoxious as the left freaking out about whatever they find 'sexist', 'racist', or 'homophobic'.

Occasionally they have a point, but mostly it's retards overreacting or overreaching.

Social media trains people to see phantom 'pedos' or 'Nazis' in every shadow, around every corner.

Then they go after people they see as 'obvious' 'pedos' or 'Nazis' (who likely are not) and ruin their lives. Evil mob nonsense.

To follow up on this: I oppose the woke nonsense, especially when it's sexual propaganda aimed at children.

My point is that the right starts with legit concerns like that, then after a while they start to get sloppy and retarded and cry 'groomer' or 'pedo' at any and all weirdos they see. No evidence, just assumptions based on guilt by association. That's bullshit.

The left starts with real Nazis then goes retarded and acts like all MAGA people are Nazis who need a fist sandwich. Dumb!


I oppose the woke nonsense

None of those real issues justify a witch hunt against gays, trans, kinky, etc

Pick one, faggot

@leyonhjelm @shieldholder
Trannies pretty much universally support child trooning, outside of a couple of tokens who are paid to pose as respectable normiecons. Trannies also build their whole identity around a lie and force those around them to participate in the lie. It is impossible to be a "based" tranny. Furfags and similar fetishists likewise have a need to broadcast their fetish to the world aggressively and have no shame or sense of social propriety. If this is a witch hunt, it's only because we have mountains of video footage of them flying on broomsticks and conjuring demons.

@ArdainianRight @leyonhjelm It only looks 'universal' because the bad actors are misbehaving, selfish, attention whores who get all of the attention with their bullshit. The others just mind their own business and therefore will never show up on your social media feed.

@leyonhjelm @shieldholder Living a blatant lie and expecting others to indulge in said lie is essential to trannydom. It's impossible for the words of such people to carry any weight.

@ArdainianRight @leyonhjelm @shieldholder The fact that they are somehow more emotionally manipulative than real women amazes me.

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