I fuckin' told you about the fuckin' undefined behavior, man, I told you the standards committees were legitimately insane. Also apparently clang is written by terrorist pedophiles: https://research.swtch.com/ub . :lookhowtheymassacredmyboy:

:ken: tinycc and kencc are now the only acceptable C compilers. (There have never been any acceptable C++ compilers.) :kenbw:

> Use rust

No, I'd rather send the dipshits writing this shit over to Rust. Rust is already a garbage fire and used exclusively by rules-nazis and Karens.

I'd rather write C, because I like C. It's not C's fault that dipshits are trying to kill the language. I have never liked Rust.
@animeirl Rust is a shit language, but that's why we have so many languages: people that do not like how C works can fuck off to Rust, and people that have sophisticated enough taste to prefer C are able to ignore Rust entirely.
id prefer more people switch to rust so that one day i can ignore C entirely
@animeirl Tell you what: I'll avoid interacting with any software that was written in Rust, you can avoid interacting with any software that was written in C.
not possible C has been around so long and used so much it's unavoidable
@animeirl C is unavoidable not because it has been around so long--Fortran and Lisp have been around longer--but because it is useful for so many tasks.

Rust is a shit language and I will not use it and the more people whine, the less I will be inclined. Rust is like Nazism: even if you assume that they are correct about everything, the main effect it has is turning people into intolerable whiners that cannot help injecting mentions of their single issue into every thread they see, whether it's germane or not.
@animeirl No, C allows people to write C code, Rust makes people turn Github issues into 300-reply hellthreads.

Rust isn't a programming language, it's a diversionary tactic. People are talking about programming languages that aren't rust and some Rust whiner shows up and either demands everyone use Rust or complains about Rust persecution. It is the neo-Nazism of programming languages. It's a perfect parallel: neo-Nazis spend nearly no time actually living out their ideals, they just whine that nobody lets them and that they're being persecuted by the Jews (C programmers) and that they are superior.

Know why I learned C? Know why I learned any of the languages I know? Do you know why people learn a programming language? None of these reasons apply to Rust: it's useless.
seems like a lot of words to say you cant wrap your head around it
it's not any more confusing than C. C just lets you write and ship utterly broken software without realizing it
@animeirl @sysrq

> C just lets you write and ship utterly broken software without realizing it

So does Rust. So does anything.
@Zerglingman @p @sysrq @animeirl You are using software that was written by queer folks like us. You should be thankful.
@hachi @Zerglingman @animeirl @sysrq What do you have to say about the nature of "undefined behavior" and the positions taken by compiler writers and the standards body on the proper behavior for the language, hachi?
@p @Zerglingman @sysrq @animeirl I'm a front-end web dev so the only undefined behavior I deal with are NaNs. I don't mess with compilers because I never use compiled languages. Though, I would like to learn Assembly because I'm getting into ROM hacking.
@xianc78 @animeirl @sysrq @p @hachi Would you rather he goes on ruining the web with his shitty javascript?
You don't have to play his hacks, they're not government-mandated.
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