@astheroth Their Librem.one service suite requires you to give them your home address even if you are paying with crypto.

@newt @astheroth @xianc78
I have free librem.one account and I've never given them my address — which would make more sense if they wanted to just collect that data.
Probably they are legally required for you to give them some billing address — for IRS and whatnots, I'm not sure how it works in the US :marseyshrug:

@m0xEE @astheroth @newt Free accounts don't include email though. Only their Mastodon and Matrix servers.

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@xianc78 @astheroth @newt
Yeah, I only use the masto one. I use Proton for email and VPN.

@m0xEE @astheroth @newt I wouldn't trust ProtonMail either. It has a lot of red-flags such as requiring you to store your private GPG keys on their servers. There is no reason to require that unless they want to be able to read your email.

I would recommend Posteo for email. They accept anonymous cash-by-mail payments (only 1 EUR per month) and allow you to generate your own keys client-side. That or you can try cock.li if you can get an invite. They do offer a few SFW domains like airmail.cc and firemail.cc. The other option would be to host your own email server, but that's out of the scope of my ability, so do your own research if you want to do that.

Granted, you shouldn't fully trust any email provider or VPN. You have no idea what they are doing unless you have physical access to their servers.

@xianc78 @astheroth @newt
> Granted, you shouldn't fully trust any email provider or VPN. You have no idea what they are doing unless you have physical access to their servers.
That's the spirit! I don't really expect perfect privacy/security/secrecy. I feel more threatened by local authorities anyway that Swiss ones or any of three letter agencies from US anyway.
I think they store them on their servers to get people newcomers into using PGP at all. Most people are used to just using webmail and there is no way you can make it simple and not store the keys on the server. It might not be that bad if they are stored in encrypted storage, but of course it always boils down to whether you trust them at all or not. Like I said, I don't expect much from them, they are still better than anything mainstream, they take care about me being able to email my friends using mainstream e-mail services providers — which would require significant effort on you side were you self-hosting, and they allow me to use my custom domain — that's it.
Of course, if you go full-paranoid, you have to self host, but I don't care enough — at least not about email :marseyshrug:
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