Are there any more libertarians out there I can follow? I want a little bit more pro-liberty stuff in my feed right now.

@KryptoBlok Poast and DRC users bullied them all off the fediverse.

@xianc78 @KryptoBlok >Lolbergs don't know how to wield powers their freedom of speech grant them nor do they know how to use tools of association to ignore or purge others from communication.
Color me surprised.
@SuperSnekFriend @KryptoBlok @xianc78 The issue with "left wing libertarians" aka Lolberts is that they live in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, they do not understand that you can not sustain the moral benefits of free market capitalism with the cultural rot of progressivism. In the end, the cultural toxicity and moral degeneracy of progressivism ends up making any good outcome of free market capitalism just collapse like a house of cards.
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