Louis Rossmann released an app called "Grayjay" today, and he deceivingly calls his app "open source" in his video talking about the app.

The license he is actually using for his app is nonfree, noncommercial and has many restrictions. It is nothing more than "source available", which is not even a real term or movement at best.

Louis' organisation Futo gives grants to many free software projects like Peertube, GIMP and Blender and also the Free Software Foundation itself.

I am very disappointed in this decision because especially someone like Louis knows better than this and should really set a better example.


@SuperDicq It says that the license is temporary. Maybe he will release it under an actual FOSS license later.


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@xianc78@gameliberty.club Just because the name of the license is "temporary" doesn't mean it actually is.

If you want an actual temporary license you will need to add a clause to your license that says something like "this license will apply until {{date}}" and then refer to a new license that will apply after that date.

If this was actually the case I wouldn't make such a big fuss about it and I would just wait until that date.

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