I love how insanely easy it is for the far-right to model this whole Israel vs. Palestine shit while it breaks the brains of so many leftists. The far-right isn't always right on that front(Covid shitshow is far better explained by incompetent retards in positions of power than an organized conspiracy) but there's a lot of what was once common knowledge about human nature that's been banished to the far-right in Clown World.
@ArdainianRight The entire media-education complex is set up to suppress instinctual knowledge and the ability to seek truth from birth to grave. Hence why the normie is incapable of contentedness, instead always chasing the next high by a variety of different and ultimately futile means, they have been trained to reject their innate humanity.
@wgiwf Business is also a part of that complex, but any criticism of any aspect of capitalism is shuttered off into gay retard socialist territory instead of being seriously evaluated under a non-retarded ideological paradigm.
@ArdainianRight Capitalism and the liberal world order are tied at the hip. Anyone actually serious about this needs to account for this and not retreat back into a n idiotic Cold-Warrior mindset.
@wgiwf Communism is bad, and private property and private enterprise are necessary ingredients to a healthy society, but there's a lot of room for discussion within that context.
@ArdainianRight Capitalism is another leftwing ideology that places the needs of moneyed interests before the needs of the nation, ie the bourgeoisie revolutionaries who tore down the guild systems and pre-enlightenment order. True and good private enterprise operates within the framework of the moral good of society and not the profit motive and the spread of "free markets" above all else.

@wgiwf @ArdainianRight
>places the needs of moneyed interests before the needs of the nation

A better way to say this is "places the need of voluntary human exchanges and association over forced collectivism".

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