
Want to learn how evil the government truly is? Look up a man named Stanley Glickman. He was just a painter studying abroad in Paris, France. He wasn't involved in politics or activism in anyway. He was just studying the arts, minding his own business, yet MK-ULTRA operatives murdered him by severing him drugged up drinks and poisoned him even more in the emergency room.

This guy was just minding his own business, yet he was a lab rat for the government's sick experiments. He wasn't even in America when it happened. It just shows that these people can fuck with you even if you are just minding your own business.

Image excerpt is from Sedition, Subversion, and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1 by Ben Stone.

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They did the same for entire villages in France in the 50s, the worst case was in Pont-Saint-Esprit.

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