"With more data at hand than theoretical projection, the evidence is overwhelming: Universal #BasicIncome is working nearly universally."

"In city after city and cohort after cohort — old, young, single parents, ex-convicts — universal basic income has improved health outcomes, raised employment, and bolstered childcare opportunities (and recipients have had consistently better outcomes than control groups)."

UBI works. We know that. It will reduce other costs.


> [...] raised employment, and bolstered childcare opportunities [...]

let me rephrase:

> work for even less money while giving your kids to the state to beat thei souls into submission.

there, that's better!


@bonifartius @scottsantens It works as an effective Trojan Horse for CBDCs.


And "consistently better outcomes" means We stole wealth from loads of other people and gave it to a small group, and they did better than everyone else.... No Shit Sherlock!

Can't steal from everyone and think that everyone gets out on top. If so, just print a billion dollars for each person to live off for the rest of their life, and see how that goes...

@bonifartius @scottsantens

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