would it be weird to say that marxism is a dead ideology

@Arcana @atlrvrse im curious, why?

i suppose i dont actually even know what people mean when they say marxism.

@pry @atlrvrse it causes a lot of harm, focuses on the completely wrong things, and is basically antithetical to what I believe. It’s existence has lead to, directly or indirectly, a great deal of the bad things that occurred over the past century and it continues to hold people back and waste a huge amount of time and mental power that could otherwise be spent far more fruitfully

@Arcana interesting. i think i would agree with Marx's critiques of capitalism at least to an extent. would you say the harm is caused by people pushing for radical change?

i do think a lot of the worlds problems are caused by capitalism. (i say this and believe in capitalism to an extent as well)

@pry @Arcana what makes you think radical change or indeed critiques of "capitalism" (whatever that means0 need to be Marxist? the world is not limited by what was invented before 1900
@nemesis @Arcana @pry Or even (for that matter) before 1900. Henry George was certainly a contemporary of Marx, and he wrote a (IMHO) far more valid and prescient critique of capitalism as it currently exists than Marx ever did.
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