@SapientPearwood @nordtrack @PurpCat @Zerglingman @anonymous @BroDrillard @GabeLakmann @Owl @Owl @hellhammer666 It’s also a clip out of context.

Swiss law prevents the government from asking for IP addresses connecting to VPNs. Swiss law also requires that people running email services turn over IP addresses should the government show up with a legal warrant. They were required to begin logging, and turn over IP addresses connecting to a specific email address, and only that email address.

This is why they recommend that you access their email service using the VPN service.


@Codeki @PurpCat @anonymous @Zerglingman @BroDrillard @GabeLakmann @nordtrack @Owl@nicecrew.digital @SapientPearwood @Owl@poa.st @hellhammer666 They still require you to store your PRIVATE GPG keys server-side if you want to use GPG and you can't use third-party clients. They only person who should have access to your private GPG keys is you.

I recommend using either Posteo (they are only 1 EUR/month and accept cash-by-mail) or Fedora Mail. Both of them allow third party clients and don't require you to store your private GPG keys on their servers.

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@xianc78 @PurpCat @anonymous @Zerglingman @BroDrillard @GabeLakmann @nordtrack @Owl @SapientPearwood @Owl @hellhammer666 https://proton.me/support/sending-pgp-emails-bridge You can set it up with 3rd party software.

All they have set up for adding PRIVATE keys is for them to automatically encrypt and decrypt. You can do it manually if you don’t trust them.

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