Yeah, I know that not that many people use MP3 players anymore and that a player that only plays audio doesn't need to be that big, but why does every modern, basic MP3 player have to be ridiculously small?

I just want something to play music, podcasts, and audiobooks in my car that isn't a fucking smartphone. I should be able to hold it comfortably, like a remote and not holding it with three fingers while being extra careful not trying to press the wrong button. Come on, Apple isn't making iPod Shuffles (or iPods in general) anymore. You no longer need to copy their ridiculous design practices.

And if you are going to make a player the size and shape of a flash drive, it should BE a flash drive. The GPX Player I have still requires a cable despite being in a flash drive shape.

Fiio makes some really nice ones. I have one of their high ohm headphone amps and it is really nice.


@souldessin Those things are full-blown Android devices. I just need a simple MP3 Player.

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