I made a very scatterbrained schizopost about the logic of containment sites, before derailing a bit and talking about the threads drama and why Elon Musk always wins.

@Pawlicker I have a hard time believing that Google Talk killed XMPP. I don't remember Google Talk being popular at all. Everyone seemed to be using AIM, YIM, or MSN.

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I remember having a pretty normie girlfriend who used Google Talk a lot in like the 2009 to 2014 period. It was sort of a way of sneaking up on you. Like, you'd go on AIM or MSN to hang out and be "social" but you'd end up in a Google Talk conversation with someone because you forgot not to sign in.

@Hyolobrika @xianc78 Me too; but normies and "techies" (really server monkeys) think it's dead.
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