At first glance I said "that's not that many" but I'm pretty sure I see 60+ different funkos. Surely these don't hold value anymore?
@thegreatape @burner I when to one those of indoor flea markets, and there was this store that only sold pop funkos. I felt like i was in moloch's plastic temple.
There's one of those in the flea market near me too as well lol. I see it every time I go there to hunt for CD's.
@thegreatape I don't have one close, but i have a goodwill i go to lurking for junk. I found this portable VHS player with a screen, that you carry around in a bag.

@LodedDiaper @thegreatape I want something like that just for the video-in feature alone. Even most portable DVD-players don't come with them.

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