@vriska what are they gonna do, cut open his nutsack and shove a coat hanger up there?
@GrungeQueef @vriska
I do believe that is the standard operating procedure for MtF trannies with an abortion fetish.
@ArdainianRight @vriska why is mutilation, either of one's self or others, such a turn on for these freaks?

@GrungeQueef @ArdainianRight both of you guys put a dollar in the "brought up gender politics unprompted" jar or no more Xbox for the rest of the month

you posted a pregnant gollum in front of the pre-meditated infanticide and didnt expect laughable results?
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 @vriska @koropokkur @GrungeQueef first of all you're a nigger, second of all 8chan was great. /animu/, pre-election /pol/, /tech/, /v/ (even with Mark being an autistic kike :mastemerchant:), /v2/, /a/... there were so many great boards. Even with all the technical problems and dramatics the site went through it was still a fantastic imageboard, and I dearly miss old 8chan to this day. The webring is nice but I fear for its long-term future. What I would give to have another board like 8ch...

@Tadano @ArdainianRight @vriska @koropokkur @GrungeQueef
Well it looks like my theory that Christi or Ardainian secretly being Mark Mann from /v/ has been disproven (my guess was based on the fact that they're Nintendo fanboys who get triggered by the mention of any praise for non-Nintendo games).

>What I would give to have another board like 8ch...

You already run your own instance. It shouldn't be that hard to run an imageboard.

There is also 8chan.moe though only /v/ is active and there is an obnoxious disclaimer page that shows up every time you connect to the site.

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@Tadano @ArdainianRight @vriska @markmann @koropokkur @GrungeQueef He would probably find it better here because there aren't that many Nintendo haters on here.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @vriska @koropokkur @GrungeQueef Honestly it might be fun to run my own imageboard, though if shit goes wrong on that front (e.g. dramaniggardry, bots/feds spamming CP) the consequences can be dire for me.
if you want to run one, do it! im fairly certain most cp spammers are fedobears out of quantico. no one else would be that brazen.
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