@coolboymew tbh they haven't done anything since the x360 to innovate or stand out from the competition, and the 1st party games (and lack of them) provably solidifies this.

My predictions is that they go full in on Game Pass and also stick to software.

Though it makes me wonder who'll be entering the console market

@coolboymew @koimoa If they just made «consoles» that were actually just normal PCs with a fixed architecture and told devs they'd support said machine for a long time I think they'd do better. So something like Steamdeck now that I think of it. That would make things easier for developers, knowing they don't necessarily have to support every machine and hardware combination under the sun.

@Kerosene @koimoa @coolboymew That was literally the Steam Machine a decade ago.

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@xianc78 @koimoa @coolboymew This time around it will work, I trust my gamer instincts <- clueless
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