@coolboymew I wish it was Soyny that was leaving. Microcuck should have denied the PS5 Cowadoody.
@ChristiJunior @coolboymew The Xbox made less sense with every new console. Just play on PC. It's basically a box with Windows in it, minus any convenience of actually running Windows.

Sony wins again! Hasn't stopped winning since 1994. But look out: as punishment towards its doubters, they're gonna start adding small amounts of poz into their games.
@ChristiJunior @coolboymew Winners get a lot of hate. :zerotwo_smug: Sony just defeated Bill Gates. A globalist. Sony must necessarily stand for the opposite. :smug_loli3:
@xianc78 @ChristiJunior @coolboymew Amazing! John Sony went to speak at the WEF and told them the West is in danger and denounced socialism. :pepe_clap:
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