Finding out there's a not insignificant amount of people think that a #15MinuteCity means creating little isolated island prisons is a whole new level of human idiocy that I wasn't expecting to ruin my day today.

Alright fuckers listen up. 15 minute cities are simply a city designed around the basic fucking principles of #urbanplanning and having actual walkable streets so that wherever you are in the city, or wherever your neighborhood is, you have all the basics necessities you need to go about your day within a 15 minute trip. This isn't isolated to singular neighborhoods or "zones". It's an interconnected network accross the entire city, in any place you are, in the city as a whole.

This isn't some new agenda, or just about #ClimateChange or the #environment, it's about designing our cities around human needs and #Community. It's how we used to have our cities before cars took over. If you need to go further, or prefer to go further, you can easily do so by #walking #publictransit or #biking. It's just going to take longer than 15 minutes. That's it. Shocking I know.

Why are people like this? Just take the train you fuckwits.

#Anarchist #socialism #communism


@AnarchoKitty It's about the implementation not the idea itself.

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@xianc78 @AnarchoKitty
From what I've heard of implementation, it always starts with 24/7 government observation and limitations of movement using that observation. That enforces the idea that 15 minute cities isn't about accessibility and about control.

@fkq1q2r2 @AnarchoKitty You can easily implement it without destroying freedom by allowing residential and commercial zones to mix.

Changing zoning laws, at here in the USA, would be great for changing city dynamics. Removal of office only spaces is key in allowing movement and life to exist in city centers.


The famous one planned for Oxford UK only restricts/monitors traffic directly between the zones from nside the city. If you want to leave the city and drive around the so called "ring road", you can enter any of the other zones from outside the city unmonitor.... *for now*. I have very little confidence that they wouldn't just add monitoring to the roads leaving the city as well once they have all the infrastructure in place for it.
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