I'm placing a $1000 bounty for anyone who can write a Paint.NET/Pinta clone that isn't dependent on .NET/Mono and doesn't crash randomly when you use the zoom or select tools.

@xianc78 what's wrong with gimp besides the interface? (which i honestly never understood, it's usable to me)

@lina Paint.NET and Pinta are just simpler for me. I don't need a full-blown photo editor. I just need what is basically MS Paint with layers and transparent backgrounds.

@xianc78 thats basically what i use gimp for as well as basically low level image editing when it comes to scrubbing out unnecessary shit, small edits and making emchichos :satsukitea:
so idk, keep it in mind if there's really nothing that can be done about paint.net cuz it works even if the interface sucks to most other people :satsukirice:

@lina I can't get Paint.NET to work on Linux, even through Wine. Pinta is supposed to be the FOSS equivalent, but it has it's own problems like crashing randomly when zooming or selecting, and I try it on multiple set ups.

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@lina This bug has been reported multiple times, but Pinta devs still haven't fixed this.

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