The only way forward in harmony with reality does require some mix of ethnic identitarianism and religious conservatism. Race and culture are intertwined, and you cannot love and seek to preserve your culture without loving and seeking to preserve your race. And you cannot hope to preserve your race in the face of modern decadence without a faith in higher meaning and purpose tied to the divine. Lolbert faggots are not right-wing, and the regime can offer them short-term hedonism, while they will inevitably chafe at the social conservatism necessary to construct a sustainable breakaway society, so there is no basis for any long-term alliance with them.

@ArdainianRight You can do those things with freedom of association. No state required.

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The problem is lolberts, particularly techbro lolberts, will flake out on you when they realize they can just take the globohomo bribe and enjoy their polycule as opposed to having to suffer and die for opposing the regime.
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