I find the whole "making Easter Trans Day of Visibility," thing to be pretty funny.
All it does in lefty circles is provoke memes and eyerolls since they know it's blatant pandering and a desperate attempt to save face with the younger base since they all hate Biden (correctly) for kowtowing to Israel.
Meanwhile the Conservatards are having literal meltdowns over the "demonic government" perverting a Christian holiday, which has been so secularized at this point that a non-insignificant percentage of Americans don't even realize it is one anymore.
This is some high-quality wasp nest kicking, I'm here for it.
@Indigo i'm pretty sure they did this on purpose to anger the christians but w/e
@icedquinn Maybe. It got people talking about something that isn't the economy, Israel, or Ukrane, so it did its job as far as they're concerned.

@Indigo @icedquinn Except people already talk about transgenderism as much as those things, if not more.

@xianc78 @icedquinn This is true, but I think that was the idea, kicking the hornets nest on purpose to draw out a reaction. Gives Biden and co. "points" with the the progressive left, if only on a superficial level. They need to get them back on their side right now if they want to beat Trump, it's just funny how nobody's fallen for it this time.

@Indigo @icedquinn I don't think it has anything to do with (s)elections. They just need to stir up outrage on both sides as much as possible to make people forget what they done to them just a few years ago.

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