
Given that most people are too stupid to compile from source. I'm considering selling my games while providing the full source code with assets included on Codeberg or any other repository host. It might be a sustainable business model.

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I know RedHat used to to this before they found a loophole in the GPL, but I never heard of anyone doing it with games (games with proprietary assets don't count). Another idea is to sell physical copies for collectors because collectors will naturally go for official copies.

@xianc78 >before they found a loophole in the GPL
They didn't find a loophole, as if any of their customers ask for the source, they have no choice give it to them.

To spite the exercising of freedoms, redhat cancels support contracts, but really the proper solution for that is for every single customer to demand source code, always, or at least a substantial amount, as it's not like redhat is going to fire every single customer.
I think it's definitely possible that that guy asked politely loads of times and got rebuffed (politely) for being "stupid". So, in other words, follow the same strategy as #Aseprite: its source code is free to download & compile, while the compiled .EXE can only be bought from #Steam.

@xianc78 Silly normies, you can't compile python code! It's an interpreted scripting language!

> I'm considering selling my games while providing the full source code with assets included on Codeberg or any other repository host.

Not even that, just ship your game with a tarball that has all the source code included, the assets are already included with the binary build. This way, if people wants to get source, they can just buy a copy of the game and get it. Be aware proprietary game engines such as Unreal Engine do not allow distributing source code and assets under GPL, though.

@jihadjimmy I know that you could also do that. I just want to see how many people will actually buy the game if they could also get it for free if they had more technical knowledge.

>Be aware proprietary game engines such as Unreal Engine do not allow distributing source code and assets under GPL, though.

I write my own engines.

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