i’m not a snob but there’s a difference between good slop, overrated slop and just plain bad slop
@arcana @cell i disagree, theres lots of things i enjoy watching that i would describe as slop. things that arent worth your time but you like regardless
@rat @cell Maybe it's a different interpretation of the word: to me the word "slop" implies food that is bad for you in terms of health
In modern meme parlance, slop refers to almost any homecooked meal.
@Alex @rat @cell Huh, I thought it referred to fast food? Why would a homecooked meal be slop? This is the kind of homecooked meal I'll have and it seems odd to refer to it as slop
@arcana @Alex @rat @cell Because homecooked often means “sloppily” plated or made in bulk, doesn’t mean that it’s not healthy or delicious. @hidden leaves fedi for a moment and already her famous ‘primalslop’ has been forgotten :blobpensive:
@ai @Alex @rat @hidden @cell I thought homecooked meals were the opposite of made in bulk? Sure you'll get the raw ingredients which are processed in bulk generally but the meal itself isn't
@arcana @Alex @rat @hidden @cell I mean bulk as in meal prepping a week’s worth of food at once. Making a giant stew for example
@ai @Alex @rat @hidden @cell Do people actually do that? May I am showing a great deal of naïveté here but I've never had a meal prepared like that. The meal will be prepared right before it's eaten and then any remaining portions will be fed to the local foxes and other critters. There are times when two days will be used for example certain parts of the Sunday Roast are cooked the preceding Saturday, but yeah, I've never had food that was cooked for an entire week.
@arcana @Alex @rat @ai @hidden @cell https://invidious.uknow.moe/watch?v=mb3k0wApWas sure they do, this video from noted homecooking foodtuber adam ragusea for instance, portions the chili for the night it's cooked as well as refrigerating, saving, and reheating it for 3 days thereafter, this isn't unusual in the slightest for many home cooks, particularly those with families or who don't have large amounts of uninterrupted time to cook except sporadically on certain days
@allison @Alex @rat @hidden @arcana @cell Interesting to me you mention families because I was going to say the opposite, that if you’re single and living alone, meal prep makes the most sense. (I find it equally easy to cook 3 meals as 1 meal, but hard to scale up beyond that, so I don’t think I could meal prep for a whole family.) Bodybuilders are religious about meal prep due to their nutrition reqs, for instance I like this soy comic https://www.threepanelsoul.com/comic/well-it-has-22-grams-of-protein
@ai @Alex @rat @hidden @arcana @cell Don't take the narrow result too literally, I have no idea wtf half the test is showing me. Mildly low class sounds about right tho, given the preferences I've already elucidated in this thread and elsewhere.
@allison @Alex @rat @ai @hidden @cell Yes, that's fair. I didn't know what some of the stuff was or tasted like either, like Mac and Cheese is a big thing on these quizzes and I've never tried it as the appearance alone makes me feel nauseous
I love mac and cheese but I understand what you mean. My boyfriend can't eat it, the texture makes him want to vomit. He describes it as "slimy".
@Alex @rat @ai @hidden @allison @cell Yep, I don't do well with slimy at all, in fact it's part of what I think lower down my upper class score in these quizzes because I'm not a fan of eating mollusks due to the sliminess so the lower preference for oysters and mussels comes into play
@arcana @Alex @rat @ai @hidden @cell same, sliminess is probably one of my biggest turnoffs in food
mac and cheese isn't slimy :(
why's everyone always gotta diss my favorite comfort food
@ai @Alex @rat @hidden @arcana @cell oh yeah on that note whatever the active ingredient is in "american cheese" that gives it that texture, horrifying
"American cheese" is what the rest of the world calls "pasteurized process dairy food product"
@Alex @rat @ai @hidden @djsumdog @arcana @cell If I ever gained national political office, abolishing the ability to legally designate that as cheese would be right behind other bugbears like abolishing DST for good
@xianc78 @djsumdog @Alex @rat @hidden @arcana @allison @cell A yard is a meter though. That’s why europe is so cramped: they can only fit three feer in their yards
@xianc78 @Alex @rat @hidden @djsumdog @arcana @allison @cell Nope, your calculator might be wrong about this, but they’re actually (semi-recently) defined to be exactly equal
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