American needs a political party that represents the interests of LGBTQIA+ people. Other countries have one. Why not us?

I propose the Queer Justice Party, a far-left (both culturally and economically) political party focusing on the interests of LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized Americans.

Here are the main pillars:

* The United States of America will be declared an outpost of LGBTQIA+ rights and a defender of LGBTQIA+ rights globally. Any country that is against LGBTQIA+ rights will be dealt with by sanctions or even military intervention.
* A democratic socialist economy will be implemented
* Free, universal healthcare, including free SRS and HRT for all Americans, including migrants
* HRT at any age
* Allow MSMs to donate blood without deferral peroid
* Free abortions for people with uteruses
* A complete end to the gender wage-gap and "pink tax"
* Reparations for racial minorities, especially indigenous people
* Federal recognition of transgender, non-binary, and intersex in the census
* Federal anti-discrimination laws that protect trans people in healthcare and education
* Mandatory Gender Studies, Disability Studies, and Critical Race Theory in schools. Home Schooling as a means to avoid such education will be banned.
* Gun confiscations on those who have been red-flagged and have those guns handed to trans people who need protection
* Businesses will be forced to meet certain diversity quotas or be shutdown
* Food will be declared a human right. All capitalist grocery stores will be burned down and replaced with community gardens that grow vegan food for everyone
* Supporting worker's rights, including rights of sex workers
* Abolishing NASA and using that tax money for better causes like getting Africa out of poverty
* Recognition of the oppression that trans people have gone through and are going through right now as a genocide
* Recognition of hate groups like Westboro Baptist Church, Autism Speaks, etc. as terrorist organizations

#LGBTRights #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #QueerGenocide #BlackLivesMatter #StopAsianHate #DisabilityRights #Genocide #Eugenics #Racism #Sexism #Ableism #Sanism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergent #SilenceIsViolence #IgnoranceIsViolence #StopTransGenocide #TransGenocide #AutisticGenocide #BlackGenocide #SocialJustice #WomensRights #NonBinaryRights #SexWorkIsWork #PluralRights #Multiplicity #EndGOP #EndWhiteSupremacy #RepublicansAreNazis #ConservativesAreNazis #CentristsAreNazis #LibertariansAreNazis #TERFsAreNazis #ApoliticismIsViolence #SilenceIsGenocide #IndigenousRights #RomaRights #KurdishRights #Uganda #Russia #Serbia #Sudan #Niger #GamerGate #GamerGate2 #SweetBabyInc #Valve #Steam #Socialism #Communism #UBI #UniversalBasicIncome #FoodIsARight #FreeHealthCare #Introductions #NewHere #Elon #ElonMusk #TwitterMigration #FediTips #animalkingdom #b04svw #backstabafictionalcharacter #chatgpt #eidmubarak #fahrverbot #fahrverbote #foto #fotomontag #higgs #infosec #integracionpatito #latvia #ldjam #loonytunes #ludumdare #monday #monsterdon #montag #patitos #photographie #photomonday #portfolioday #presentacion #qsmp #quackity #rustlang #sudan #tatort #tvduell #ufc300 #werder #あなたの女度 #あなたの子供につける名前を考えて #あの変換 #このタグ見た人は正直な欲望かいてけ #これを見た人はフォルダにある食べ物を晒す #これを見た人は水色又は青色と白色の混ざった色の画像を貼れ #イラスト #デブな人に太ってんねって言われたら #フォロワーさんともっと仲良くなるためにふざけた質問でも結構ガチな質問でも答える #リアクション履歴の5番目がお前の本性 #兄弟姉妹メーカー #名曲のスケールを小さくする #君・僕・死で文を作ると好みがわかる #嘘つきましょう #教師にうるさいって言われたら #無人島に1つだけ持っていけるとしたら何持っていく #短文だけで何の曲かわかってしまう選手権 #神様がスゴイ所とダメな所を教えてくれる診断 #絶対に振られる告白
Anyway, even though he is Canadian, I sure hope @zoomgoboom will agree with this and support this. I also think @ArdainianRight would like this as well since this purposed party will also be allied with the autistic community.
@hachi @zoomgoboom Lolno. The LGBTP is the opposite of concerned about the actual welfare of autists.
@ArdainianRight @zoomgoboom But you should agree with the burning down of grocery stores and replacing them with community gardens. Now, autistic people don't have to worry about not getting a job since food will always be available for everyone.
@hachi @zoomgoboom In America we have plenty of food. The only way to make it so we don't would be to follow your suggestion and replace grocery stores with gay little commie gardens that'd get trashed by homeless drug addicts anyways.
@ArdainianRight @zoomgoboom But community gardens ensure that we all eat vegan. It also addresses the rising food prices that are going on right now.

@hachi @ArdainianRight @zoomgoboom The way to fight rising food prices is to introduce a local currency.

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